What does all this do to manufacturers’ warranties?
APG does not change the base diesel engine design and warrants the Dual Fuel System components for one year after installation. Industry documentation and regulations cite the following in regard to the effects of an approved aftermarket technology on OEM warranties:
- Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 says the consumer has the freedom to choose aftermarket parts and upgrades without having the OEM warranty voided.
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a Consumer Alert in January 2011 confirming that it is in fact illegal to void warranties or deny coverage for the use of an aftermarket part.
- Specifically in the EPA Alternate Fuel Conversions final rule published on April 8, 2011
- http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-04-08/pdf/2011-7910.pdf
- “… the clean alternative fuel conversion manufacturer would normally be held
- accountable for fixing problems that occur as the result of conversion…”
“… the OEM would generally retain responsibility for the performance of any parts or systems that retain their original function following conversion and are unaffected by the conversion…”
- http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-04-08/pdf/2011-7910.pdf